
Kato Gerani
Ag. Eleftherios
Chania, Crete
tel: +30 69 74 70 16 58
fax: +30 28210 27994

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There's a place in the middle of the wine-dark sea called Crete, a lovely, fruitful land surrounded by the sea.   

Homer , Odyessey

Crete is the island of dreamers, philosophers and culturally interested explorers.  It is the largest island of Greece and the most southern Greek region with population close to 700,000.  having a massive historical background and numerous archaeological sites, Crete was the foundation stone of Europe and the birthplace of the mythical God Zeus.  It has a tremendous variety of places to visit and activities to choose from, including beaches, archaeological sites and museums, cosmopolitan nightlife, scenic mountains and landscapes, wildlife, flowers, walking, bicycling, photography, watersports activities and many more.
All these activities must of course be carried out in the unhurried and relaxed Cretan tempo.  You will certainly experience this way of life by travelling around Crete.  You will be able to visit a vast number of small villages where the clock  has been set back almost a hundred years!
Average annual temperature is around 20 degrees centigrade during the day, however, temperatures can fluctuate between 25 to 35 degrees. Occasional rains can be encountered in the Dec-Feb period but for most of the year the weather befits a balmy tropical paradise.